Civilization 5 建造物 Building MOD Part 2


Civilization 5 の建造物MOD を紹介します。


CIV5 Building Mod Part2

Bison and Cocoa Implementation

Granary (穀物庫)

Better implementation of Bison and Cocoa into the game
●Add new Pantheons
[Sacred Game]
Adds +2  to Deer and Bison
[Sweetness of the Gods]
Adds +2  to Cocoa, Sugar
●Add new Building
[Hunting Lodge]
鹿とバイソンから +2
ココアと砂糖から +2

 Link MOD Page (Steam)


Hunting Lodge (ハンターの小屋)
City must have a Deer or Bison resource nearby (都市圏内に鹿かバイソンが必要)
Add +1 from Deer and Bison
Add +1 from Fur
(鹿とバイソンから  +1, 毛皮から +1)
Trap (トラップ)


Chocolatier (ショコラティエ)
City must have a Deer or Bison resource nearby (都市圏内にココアが必要)
+1 , +1
Nearly Cocoa resource additional +1  
(都市に +1, +1 をもたらし、都市圏内のココアから +1)
Guild (ギルド)

Resource – Granary Includes Bison

Granary (穀物庫)
Extends the bonus of the ‘Granary’ building to the ‘Bison’ resource.
 Link MOD Page (Steam)

Improved Windmill

Windmill (風車)
Adds +1 from Wheat to Windmills (風車による小麦の +1 )
 Link MOD Page (Steam)

Dynamic Improvement Yields

[ Farms ]
On Hills +1
Near Rivers +1
(丘陵上の農場に +1 , 川沿いの農場に +1 )
[ Plantations ]
Near Rivers +1
(川沿いの大規模農場に +1 )
[ Mines ]
On Hills +1
(丘陵上の鉱山に +1  )
[ Quarry ]
On Hills +1
(丘陵上の採石場に +1  )
[ Lumber mill ]
Forest +1
(伐採所のある森林に +1 )
 Link MOD Page (Steam)

Wondrous Nature


Adds three natural wonders
[ Mt. Everest ]

Only appears surrounded by mountains
+4 , +4 , +4 , +2

[ Salar de Uyuni ]
only appears in flat plains or desert, away from water or vegetation
, +2 , +3 , +1
[ Giant’s Causeway ]
only appears on water adjacent to land
+2 , +2 , +2

[ エベレスト ]
 +4,  +4, +4,   +2
[ ウユニ塩湖 ]

+1 , +2 , +3 , +1
[ ジャイアンツ・コーズウェイ ]

+2 , +2 , +2

 Link MOD Page (Steam)

Improved Granary

Granary (穀物庫)
Adds +5% and +25HP to Granary
(穀物庫の能力に +5% と都市のHP +25 を追加 )
 Note  MOD Page (Steam)

Stone Works In Plains

Stone Works (石工所)
Stone Works can be built in plains
 Note  MOD Page (Steam)

Better Aqueduct and Medical Lab

Aqueduct and Medical Lab

[ Aqueduct ]
Add +2
[ Medical Lab ]
Add +10%

[ 用水路 ]
さらに +2を追加
[ 医学研究所 ]
さらに +10%を追加

 Note  MOD Page (Steam)

Tundra Farms Mod

Farm (農場)
Allows the construction of farms on tundra tiles without access to fresh water
 Link  MOD Page (Steam)


Allows workers to plant forests on Plains, Grassland, Tundra and Snow tiles. Workers can also plant forests on un-owned tiles outside your borders.
Fertilizer (肥料)
 Link  MOD Page (Steam)

CIV5 Cheat and Other Mod

Double Resources

Double the city resources from each map tile (マップタイルの出力2倍)
 Link  MOD Page (Steam)

More City-States Luxuries

Adds 13 new City-States luxury resources

Beer (ビール)
Champagne (シャンパン)
Cheese (チーズ)
Chocolate (チョコレート)
Cigars (タバコ)
Furniture (家具)
Glass (ガラス製品)
Honey (蜂蜜)
Infusions (茶)
Manuscripts (写本)
Olive Oil (オリーブオイル)
Paintings (絵画)
Statues (彫刻)

 Link MOD Page (Steam)

Food for the People

Pottery (陶器)
 Note ・DOES affect the AI (AIも使用)
 Link MOD Page (Steam)

Palaces of Joy

 Note ・No require cost (テクノロジー・コスト不要)
・Affect to Capital (首都で効果を発揮)

・DOES affect the AI (AIも使用)
 Link  MOD Page (Steam)

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CIV5 MOD関連記事

 Building MOD Part 1
 Building MOD Part 2





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